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Podium Display

The Dreamers Vancouver




Established in 1995


Established in 2017



Established in 2018

Podium Display
Our work



Performance + Education + Arts appreciation

Ego 自我 

Diversity 差異

    Creativity 創意



Risk 冒險



我們是以人為本, 以推動及發展專業劇場為使命的藝術工作者。 劇團創辨成員為有專業經驗之演員或創作人。 致力推動華人舞台專業化,鼓勵年青一代嚴 肅地對待戲劇藝術。一劇場一九九五年加拿大溫哥華成立。 現已擴展到多倫多和卡加里,二十多年來參予多項本地大型製作及開辦戲劇課程。尊重戲劇是一劇場所緊守的戲劇概念,認真對代戲劇藝術,將生命再一次展現在舞台上,就像斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基所說讓戲劇成為我的藝術生命吧!戲劇教育是戲劇工作不可缺少的一環,專業有系統的戲劇訓練至為重要,我們希望喜愛戲劇藝術的人,不單成為戲劇藝術追隨者,更可懂得如何欣賞藝術。


理念:尊重戲劇是「一劇場」所謹守的戲劇概念認真對待戲劇藝術,將生命再一次展現在舞台上,就像我們承傳斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基(Constantin Stanislavski)演技方法,繼而發展一套適合現代人演釋方式(Ego Evolution) ,讓戲劇成為我的藝術生命吧!


使命:戲劇教育是戲劇工作不可缺少的一環,專業有系統的戲劇訓練至為重要,我們希望喜愛戲劇藝術的人,不單成為戲劇追隨者,更可懂得如何欣賞藝術。2017年,Dramaone 正式登陸多倫多成立Dramaone Toronto及2018成立 Dramaone Calgary。希望繼續將專業舞台藝術帶給更多海外華人。


Co-Founders 創辦人

Artistic Director 藝術總監 – Peter Poon潘煒強

資深舞台導演及傳媒工作者,88年畢業於香港演藝學院(首屆畢業生) 。88年至92年為香港話劇團全職舞台演員。25歲榮獲「香港藝術家演員年獎」成為此獎項最年輕得主及獲第一屆香港戲劇協會頒發「最佳男演員獎」。92年移民加拿大,92至2002年任職加拿大中文電台節目總監達十年之久。過去多年,參予多個專業團體之戲劇活動擔任導演及顧問工作。2017年被香港中文大學(深圳)邀請為該校「駐校藝術家」並執導著名小說家梁鳳儀著作《我們的故事》於中國全國性巡迴演出,2018年亦被邀成為香港中文大學「駐校藝術家」,於校内舉辨戲劇工作坊。

Executive Director 行政總監 – May Soo蘇柔美

資深舞台演員及傳媒工作者,加拿大「一劇場」創辦人。香港出生長大,大學畢業後投考「香港話劇團」,當全職舞台演員。1993年移民溫哥華,進修市場管理。同時,加入加拿大新時代傳媒集團,當電台及電視節目主持十多年,節目遍及全國,成為加國最受歡迎節目主持之一。1995年與丈夫潘煒強於加國創立「一劇場」,發展包括東、西兩岸 Dramaonevan 、Dramaonetoronto及 Dramaonecalgary,積極推動舞台藝術,同時,亦希望培育年青一代對專業舞台藝術欣賞及參與。

Art Consultant藝術顧問

Art Consultant藝術顧問 –Dr. Chung King Fai

鍾景輝博士,尊稱King Sir,2015年接受「一劇場」邀請,成為本劇團之藝術顧問,提供寶貴戲劇藝術意見。King Sir,SBS, 是香港當代舞台表演藝術的先軀,也是一個導演,電視製作人,節目主持人和表演藝術教育家。King Sir 是香港戲劇協會創始人兼總裁,香港康樂及文化事務署現任康文署演藝小組成員,現任香港藝術發展局顧問。

Chief Acting Coach首席演技導師– Dominic Lam林嘉華


           About us

DramaOne was founded in 1995 in Vancouver, BC, by a group of professional Chinese artists who came from the theatrical field in Hong Kong and Canada. Over the previous years, we have produced and participated in different drama productions to serve our community and to enhance the spiritual and cultural life in our city.   In 2017 and 2018, we established our Toronto Chapter (Dramaone Toronto) and Calgary Chapter (Dramaone Calgary) extend our vision to larger groups of communities. 

Mission & Vision

Respect for drama and serious acting are our core beliefs.  We treat theatre-making as a serious endeavor requiring dedication, integrity, based on Constantin Stanislavski’s belief that these are the core values of drama and now we transform to nowadays Ego evolution method.  Drama education is an indispensable part of the drama work. Professional and systematic drama training is of utmost importance. We hope that people who love theater arts will not only become drama followers, but also understand how to appreciate art.

As a group of artists from Hong Kong, we not only hope to express Hong Kong's spirit and stage expertise overseas, but also work hard and unremittingly to build bridges between Chinese and Western cultures.

Founder & Artistic Director- Peter Poon

Founder and Artistic Director of Dramaone (Canada national theatre group). Peter Poon is an actor, Director and Multimedia Creative Director,  graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 1988, and worked with the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre as a full-time actor from 1988-1992. He previously received the “ Hong Kong Artists’ Guild Actors’ of the Year 1991 and the Hong Kong Drama Association Best Actor Award in the same year. He moved to Canada in 1992. From 1992 to 2002, he was the Program Director of Fairchild Radio. In previous years in Canada, he participated in numerous drama activities in collaboration with various professional organizations includes Vancouver School board and Chairman of “Fotocine Workshop Arts Association”, fulfilling the roles of directing and Arts developer.

Also, Peter is appointed to be Artist-in-Residence by Chinese University of Hong Kong and Chinese University of Hong Kong Shenzhen.

Founder & Executive Director-May Soo

Founder of "DramaOne " in Canada. May Soo was born and raised in Hong Kong. After graduating from college, he enrolled in "Hong Kong Repertory Theater" as a full-time stage actress.  May immigrated to Vancouver in 1993 to study market management. At the same time, he joined Fairchild Media Group and became one of the most popular program hosts in Canada.  In 1995, with his husband, Peter Poon, established "DramaOne in Canada and developed Dramaonevan , Dramaone Toronto and Dramaone Calgary on both East and West sides of Canada. .

Arts Consultant-Dr Chung King Fai

The revered Dr. Chung King Fai also known as King Sir, has been invited as Artistic Consultant to DramaOne Canada in 2015.  Chung King-fai, SBS, is a Hong Kong actor and pioneer of contemporary performing art.  He is also a director, TV producer, programme host and performing arts educator.  He is the founder of Hong Kong Federation of Drama Societies, Art Form Panels of the Hong Kong Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Chairman of Exploration Theatre, and Art Director of Hong Kong Arts Development Council.

Chief Acting Coach-Dominic Lam

Lam Ka Wah Joined the first police juvenile training school in 1974 and became the first generation idol of Hong Kong radio station "Juvenile Police News." In the late 1970s, he started to perform drama series, and presided over the information television programs "Sports World", "Hong Kong morning" and so on. Ka Wah immigrated to Toronto in 1988 and he has been hosting lots of TV programs in Toronto after his immigration.  At the same time, Ka Wah love performing arts as well as Movies films.   He involved series theatrical play since 1995 in Canada and Hong Kong including "Run for your wife", "Hotel Paradiso" and so on. Lam Ka Wah outstanding acting is well known in the Chinese communities and now he is DramOne Chief Acting Coach and helps in promoting the Chinese theatrical performing arts in Canada. 

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Podium Display

Contact Information聯絡我們 

Mailing Address: PO Box 36588 Seafair, Richmond BC V7C 5M4


Vancouver 溫哥華:

Vancouver Contact:  May Soo       1-604-8311633



Toronto 多倫多:

Toronto Contact:  Alan Fong         1-647-9801841



Calgary 加卡里:


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